Demo Blog

Not the End

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under ,

I managed to recover my google account! I was in the process of trying to transfer my mailbox and contacts to a new email address using POP, when I found my join date! Under the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" settings, under POP Download, it says "1. Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since dd/mm/yyyy"
With this small but significant detail, I was able to reset my password.

Upon logging in again, I promptly went and updated my security/account recovery settings with things that I can actually use should this ever happen again.

To sum, I get to keep my blogs. :)
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The End of MC Odd?

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under , ,

So I seem to have lost access to my google account, for the most part. A week or so ago Gmail prompted me to change my google password, so I changed it to another pass that I don't use frequently, but is easy to remember.
Upon trying to login to gmail on my phone, I found out that I can't login with the password that I'm 99% sure I changed it to.
I can't reset the password, because when I made my account I was a stupid teenager and set my recovery question as an unanswerable question "DO I LIEK STUFFZ?!" because I thought that I'd never actually need to recover my password. My recovery email address also seems to be no longer active; it was a hotmail account with 9 characters before the @; presumably, but I've tried logging into that with all digits with no success.

I then tried to use the recovery form that google as set up, which lets you provide as much information as you can about your account details to prove that you own the account, and then the google people verify if its actually your account and give you a new password. I gave as much information as a could, but got a reply saying they can't return my account because I haven't given enough evidence. I did this twice, and got the same reply both times.

I can still access my gmail and blogger due to auto-login, but as soon as google pops up one of their random "put your password in again so we know it's you!" things I lose access.

I've created a new gmail/google account, (, but I don't know how I feel about copying all my writtens across to a new blogger and starting again with everything.
So this might just be the end of MC Odd. (and Left Side, and the unfinished 21 Days in Nippon, and the still unused Crit).
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Paper and Ink My new paper cranes tattoo

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under ,

A few weeks ago I got my second tattoo courtesy of Simon Morse at ALC. It's based on the artwork of one of my favourite artists, Nanami Cowdroy from Sydney Australia. Check out her brilliant artwork!

I've been wanting a tattoo of her art for as long as I've known about her, and I finally figured out which piece, and where.

Of course, photos are a given!

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Short Film with Big Impact Signs, by Patrick Hughes

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under ,

This short film is a few years old now, and may have done its round about the intertubes, but I've just watched it again and NEED to share it in case anyone out there has missed it.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the best film's I've ever seen. Not just short films; but any film, feature or otherwise, of any length, and any budget. Signs is up among the best.
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Wallace Wednesday Photographs of the handsomest cat

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under , , ,

With my internet back, I can finally upload photographs I've taken over the past month of my new flatmate Wallace, who is my other flatmate Alice's baby (though I've unsuccessfully tried to kidnap him), and is the handsomest cat in the world.

I've attempted to be artistic in most of this; though I haven't decided if I was successful or not. I'll leave that at the discretion of readers. One thing I do know is that I need a new camera, quicksharp. I do have a birthday coming up...

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by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under

After a month of drama and fighting with our ISP over the phone since we moved house, our internet has finally been reconnected. It's about damn time.

During my time away from internet, I got a new tattoo, passed two assignments at school, and Fav'd 73 tweets from New York Times (@nytimes) and TIME (@TIME) linking to articles I want to read, so I will have to catch up on all those over the next few days.

I took many photos of Wallace, which I will share soon; some of which were my sad attempts at being artistic.

It's good to have internet back! Wish I could just stay in bed all day and read/write/troll but I have to go to school and talk to pretty girls.
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Living in New Zealand

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under

So, I recently moved back to New Zealand, after two and a half years living in the awesome Melbourne, Australia.
This was a hard choice for me, because in spite of all my whinging, I really love that city, and I really love Australia (still, someone needs to turn down that thermostat). Unfortunately, I wanted to go to university, but doing so in AU with a NZ passport is complicated.

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A Real American Hero Why I wear a Ray Lewis jersey

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under ,

A little over a year ago I started to get into NFL. There isn't really any story to why this happened; I was home one morning and bored, and so I turned on the TV and flicked over to the sports channel, and a game was on. I watched it and had fun, so I read up on the rules, and watching become more fun. That's really all there is to that.

When it came to picking a team, I had a few options. I liked the Eagles from the start, as that was the first game I saw (WAS @ PHI in Week 12, 2009), and I liked Green Bay because of That 70's Show, and I liked New England because of Family Guy. Jets and Giants were on my radar as well because I like New York, as a city, even though I've never been there.

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Weight Loss for Dummies (Transferred from Left Side; originally posted 03/07/2010)

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under

I work in a book shop, so I get to witness first-hand all trends, fads and obsessions in the literary world. Aside from the usual Twilight and Stieg Larsson hype, there are a couple of weight loss books that are in huge demand at the moment: "The Dukan Diet" and "The Flat Belly Diet".
These have made me think, and I've realised that there's never more than a few months between diet book fads. Someone on The View or Oprah or some equally terrible daytime TV show pushes the flavour-of-the-month "new, amazing, revolutionary, easy" weight loss book that "really works!", and every blind sheep rushes out to their nearest bookseller so they can add it to their collection, not realising that the only thing that's going to lose weight is their wallet.

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New blog

by Matthew Codd on Nov.22, 2009, under

This is a new, "random" blog. I have two others, Left Side and 21 Days in Nippon; but I want to keep those focused on what they are: Left Side is a socio-political commentary blog, and 21 Days is a travel blog of my October 2010 trip to Japan (which I still need to finish, ugh).

This new blog will be fairly freestyle, just random musings on life which are unrelated to my others.

It could turn out interesting, or it could turn out boring. Who knows!
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